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  • Stand

    Posted on November 4th, 2011 Michele Sun No comments

    I stand on the edge of forever,
    Calmly facing the wind,
    Blowing cold on my face,
    Ice freezes my mended heart.

    There on the rock of uncertainty,
    For the loss of a love eternal,
    I cry tears of rubescent diamonds,
    They lay scattered at my feet.

    Deception stabbed my radiant dream,
    Mortally wounding misty hopes for tomorrow,
    Unversed, I endure gruesome damage,
    Serendipity never to wax our blissful reality.

    I hold my arms outstretched towards the Heavens,
    Begging the Spirits of Love to show mercy,
    Not to let my electrifying quintessence cease,
    To bestow upon me a justification for agony.

    I believe if I know why hearts must bleed,
    That I can survive the lamenting of my soul,
    For I need conviction that I will
    Discover the rapture of true love one day.


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