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  • So Tell Me

    Posted on May 2nd, 2012 Michele Sun No comments

    What is it about you
    that keeps you in my thoughts?
    I do not see you
    I do not hear you
    I do not talk to you
    But you’re always on my mind.

    Is it the sunrise each morning?
    The coffee on my desk?
    The thoughts of your smile?
    Your warm touch?
    Your loving arms?
    Your soft sexy voice?
    Or the sunsets
    that were meant for us to share?

    What is it about you
    that keeps you in my thoughts?
    Day in and day out..
    Yet keeps me afraid to call, email
    or offer a simple hello.

    So tell me, what is it about you???
    Please tell me,
    I would really like to know!!!


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