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  • Run Happy Moments

    Posted on May 25th, 2012 Michele Sun No comments

    The slogan for my long time favorite running shoes, Brooks, is “Run Happy”, and this morning I saw a discussion about  “what is your run happy moments” on it’s Facebook page.

    Many runners have responded first race, whether it’s their first 5K, first half or first Marathon, crossing finish line of first race brings the most joy to most runners. The second most responded answer is PR,  especially for seasoned runners. I guess when you start running more races, setting personal best becomes addictive and important for you always wanting to challenge yourself and see what your legs can do. Last year I have spent months trying to break sub-2 on Half Marathon;  finishing it at 2:01 was a huge disappointment  and  being able to run a 1:55 was just beyond words can describe.

    In the past few years, I have completely several grand/destination races like Nike Women Marathon, Honolulu Marathon, Marine Corp Marathon, Tokyo Marathon, or local events that I like to participate with running friends like Santa Cruz Half, Rock n Roll San Jose Half, Bay to Breakers..etc.  Each race brought unique running experience, from the course, medal, support…etc, and some are truly memorable like Marine Corp, some offer remarkable scenery like Santa Cruz, and some are just plain awful race experience like Rock n Roll Las Vegas.

    The race that brings the happiest moment I would say it’s the one with you being there! I ran the best race there, and the whole experience is so unique not just because it’s a destination race took place far away, setting a huge PR there, or the extremely energized volunteers and spectators.

    For the very first time, I was so happy to run the entire marathon course and couldn’t stop thinking there was a face I would see after crossing the finish line. The thought of you sharing the great excitement of a race has kept my energy level high, and your merely being there has made that four hours went by so fast.

    Once a running friend told me that he ran extra hard and made sure his chin was up and  form looked great when he ran in Boston, because he had someone with him at that race and he knew she would be watching at race course. For me it’s more than just showing I had great form, I wanted to run fast and finish strong to make you proud of me and it’s a way of showing my appreciation and feeling.

    Because you have supported my running and non-running events, and had been there for me throughout my ups and downs which I bet you did not even realize. Looking back, I now recognized it’s the thought of you bringing smile to my face on race day.

    Even if the course of our relationship becoming bumpy, and take turns that I do not expect, due to my own stupidity, I am so grateful for your presence in the world every day, and I treasure your presence in and around my life more than words can describe.


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