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  • Preface to Two Ships

    Posted on May 1st, 2012 Michele Sun No comments

    Resentment is very unhealthy in relationship, any relationships between people — couples, families, friends, colleagues… etc. Lately I have developed unnoticed and unspoken resentment toward someone very special to me, and I just realized that tonight.

    I was spring cleaning my email boxes this evening, and once again discovered how special our path have crossed and intertwined!  The foundation of our friendship is unpretentious, and completely no expectation! Somehow you have played the uplifting,  empowering and supporting role in my life that I bet you were and are not aware of , and I am just as surprised given the many differences between us.

    I guess as  we crossed the boundaries of just friends, and got closer to each other, the dimension of my world has shifted and the center of my thoughts and heart have changed as well. I forgot to focus on the quality of  our relationship and just stubbornly thinking about the quantity. The truth is no matter how often or how long  when I am with you,  there will never be enough; when that need isn’t met,  any assumption or resentment is just imaginary and wrong of me.

    Hope it’s not too late that I caught my own immaturity and stupidity, for I never want to lose you regardless what form or shape our relationship is. Sounds funny, but I am learning about myself through you ever since you came into my world.

    If we were two ships tossed together by the ocean, let’s sail through the raised tide, windy weather and stormy night… before the ships part.









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