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  • In Your Arms

    Posted on November 14th, 2012 Michele Sun No comments

    In your arms I closed my eyes
    and saw the magic of starry skies,
    hearing songs written just for us
    and felt the happiness of a thousand dreams come true.

    Next to you I felt so safe, so lucky
    just knowing that I can reach out
    in the middle of the darkest night,
    and find you there just a whisper away.

    When we touched I forgot about everything else,
    I let the rest of the world slip away,
    and lost myself in the moment where nothing matters
    but you and me and the closeness we share.

    And in all the stillness of the night,
    I wrapped up in the comfort of knowing
    that I am sharing the most peaceful harbor
    with the most wonderful person in the world.


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